Former President Barack Obama did not mince words against Donald Trump. In a telephone recording obtained by Yahoo News, the former president considers that the management of the crisis by his successor is disastrous and reaffirms his support for Joe Biden.

Barack Obama shoots red bullets on his successor Donald Trump for his management of the coronavirus. The former President of the United States said in a telephone discussion in the media that the management of the pandemic due to the new coronavirus is an "utter chaotic disaster", as reported by Yahoo News.

Critics against Donald Trump ...

It was Friday evening, during a half-hour telephone conversation with former collaborators of his government, that Barack Obama made his remarks. He has hinted in the past that the Republican billionaire had "dismissed warnings" about the risks of a pandemic, but has never been more openly critical of presidential action. Donald Trump is accused by his critics of having first minimized the threat, then of having given contradictory and confused instructions, between the calls for caution and the haste to see the economy restart.

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Barack Obama has also reversed the controversial US Department of Justice decision to drop the charges against Michael Flynn, a former Donald Trump advisor, who was prosecuted for lying about his contacts with a Russian diplomat. "This is the kind of situation where we can begin to fear that (...) our basic reading of the rule of law is threatened," he warned, also saying that he "doesn’t there is no precedent that can be found on a person charged with perjury who gets away with it. "

... And so much reason to support Joe Biden

This decision and the response to the health crisis justify, according to the former president, the need to choose good leaders. He called on his ex-advisers to invest in the campaign of Joe Biden, his former vice-president and Democratic presidential candidate in November against Donald Trump. "This is why I will spend as much time as necessary campaigning as intensively as possible for Joe Biden," he said.


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"The coming election, at all levels, is so important because we will not only face an individual or a political party," said the former president, according to his remarks reported by several media. He believes that the real adversary are "long-term trends" like "being tribal, being divided, seeing others as enemies", which are likely to characterize "American life".