It is not strange that we find Muammar who approached the century or more. Rather, it is surprising that you find her with all her mental strength and in good health. She may be better than those below her age a lot. Iraq.

Generations memory

Born in 1905 and at the age of 115 years, Al-Muamara Nouira, through her perseverance in agriculture and herding of sheep, was able to maintain her health and maintain a good memory. 

Mukhtar village linking Haj Abu Abdullah says to Al Jazeera Net a lot of young people from the region are quoting stories from times past, perhaps tales of tribes and customs that were not included in the curriculum pages, so they find in it a different interestingness because it carries the ancestry of those who lived through wars and tribal conflicts whose narration is less For the current generation.

It is the same pride that Hussein Abd Saddam, one of the notables of the pomegranate, boasted, saying that sometimes Umm Ali surpassed us by remembering the things of her era with us while we minimized her for decades, adding that her proverbs and her younger ones had decades of dementia until their children and their names were forgotten, but she outnumbered the little ones whose health and memory they had become Our proverbs.

Hajja Nuwaira takes care of sheep (Al-Jazeera)

Retardation and self-sufficiency

In two clay rooms, Hajj Nuwaira lives with her handicapped son Ali, sustaining herself by growing some crops and raising and selling sheep, and she says that she does not receive support from any governmental or non-governmental party, and sometimes the village people appoint her, in addition to the hardship she reaps.

It is a rare case and she is at this age, so she does not tire of work, he says, Hamad Hamad, who is one of the closest neighbors to Umm Ali, indicating that he sometimes comes out early to work at dawn to be surprised by Umm Ali who works by cultivating her land and then returns to bake and cook food.

Hamad adds that her self-reliance forced her to buy her shroud and collect the money of her funeral before her death, in order not to cost anyone, given the difficult living conditions that the people of her village are going through.

Hamad concluded his words that Umm Ali is a history, pride and fatherhood and will remain in the memory of the pomegranate side, and I suspect that her counterpart will not be repeated. 

Hajja Noira with her handicapped son Ali (Al-Jazeera)

Love and pain

Umm Ali says that despite the pain and difficulty in life in the village, she adheres to it, in it the memory of her great son Hardan, who was killed during the Iran-Iraq war, and the memory of her second son, Muhammad, who was killed by the Americans after the occupation of Iraq in 2003.

Umm Ali currently lives with her third son, Ali (who is called by the neighbors in his name), considering that he is the eye of her eye and is based on his service and care, and said that he was disabled due to his injury while he was in the army during the Iran-Iraq war.

The entire village respects Nuwaira's need, which was mentioned to Al-Jazeera Net, one of the youth of the village of Al-Bond, Laith Muhammad, saying that "Umm Ali is like an honor that is respected by all the people of the village and in terms of pomegranate, and despite her advanced age, she still seeks to settle many conflicts, as it is presented in the pursuit of matters of engagement and marriage. The rapprochement between families and the marriage of young people, and for this, Umm Ali remains a symbol respected by the elders and elders of the clan and the elder before the little one. "