Suspicion of Russia to cancel prosecution of former US Assistant Justice Flinn's prosecutor May 8 9:21

The U.S. Department of Justice has announced that it will withdraw former prosecutor Flin's prosecution charges for falsely telling investigative authorities over the so-called "Russia allegations."

President Trump has denounced the investigation so far, and American media say there is a growing concern that it will undermine judicial independence.

Michael Flynn, who served as presidential security officer in the Trump administration, said the FBI = federal investigation on the content of the talks with the Russian ambassador to the United States at the time regarding the "suspicion of Russia" He was accused of making false statements to the station.

Mr. Flynn's trial has been going on for more than two years, but the U.S. Department of Justice has filed a document on court yesterday, revealing that Mr. Flynn's indictment will be withdrawn.

For that reason, the Justice Department said that the FBI's hearing in January 2017, which triggered the prosecution, found that the newly discovered material was examined and that it was conducted without legal grounds. I will.

According to US media, the court will eventually decide whether to withdraw the indictment upon submission of a document from the Department of Justice.

Regarding the investigation into Mr. Flynn, President Trump has been blaming the investigation for "making it up", and at this time, Attorney General Barr was proceeding with re-examination of the investigation contents.

According to U.S. media, the prosecutor in charge of Mr. Flynn's trial decided to resign prior to this withdrawal by the Department of Justice, and the U.S. media reports that there is a concern that the independence of the judiciary will be impaired. ..

About Michael Flynn

Michael Flynn is a retired Vice Admiral of the U.S. Army, and during his active career he was responsible for the information department of the U.S. Central Army and was involved in the Iraq War and counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan as an information field expert. , Also served as Secretary of Defense Information.

In the previous 2016 presidential election, Mr. Trump announced his support from an early stage and served as a foreign and security policy advisor, and after the inauguration of President Trump, he was appointed as the White House's aide in charge of security issues. It was.

However, in December 2015, before the inauguration of the administration, it was revealed that he was concealing it while discussing the sanctions of the US government on Russia at that time with the ambassador to the United States at that time, and he resigned in about three weeks after the inauguration. I was driven in.

After that, in December 2017, as a part of the so-called "Russia suspicion" investigation, he was charged with false statements to the FBI = Federal Investigation Bureau about the content of the talks with the Russian side in question, and so far. The trial was ongoing.

History of the investigation

Mr. Flynn will be prosecuted in December 2017 for falsely explaining to the FBI about the contents of the meeting with the Russian ambassador to the United States that took place before the administration was inaugurated.

After that, Flynn once agreed to plead guilty and fully cooperate with the investigation in response to a plea deal with a former prosecutor Morar.

However, since last year, when the trial resulted in unavoidable circumstances, Mr. Flynn turned to denial and claimed innocence.

In addition, at this point, Attorney General Barr ordered the prosecution to re-examine the contents of the investigation involving Mr. Flynn. In response to this, on the 29th of last month, a new memo prepared by FBI investigator who interviewed Mr. Flynn was released. In this, Mr. Flynn was asked to "confess the truth or lie inside the FBI." It was made clear that they were discussing with each other. "

In response to the memo, defense lawyers insisted that the investigation was unjustified, and President Trump was told that the FBI had given perjury to trap Mr. Flynn on the FBI. Was further strengthening the accusations of.

President Trump accused of investigation over suspicion

President Trump told reporters yesterday that the U.S. Department of Justice had announced that they would withdraw former prosecutor Flynn's prosecution, "Mr. Flynn was innocent. It was targeted. This should never have happened, "he condemned the investigation into the Russian allegations.

Democratic Party Pelosi Chairman strongly concerned about withdrawal of prosecution

Opposition and Democratic Party Chairman Pelosi said in a statement that the U.S. Department of Justice announced that it would withdraw former prosecutor Flin's prosecution: `` Mr. Flynn lied to investigators in the face of overwhelming evidence. He acknowledged that he had been, but now Attorney General Barr has withdrawn his charges to continue the cover-up for President Trump. "

He then expressed his deep concern over the withdrawal of the indictment, saying that "overturning the decision of the special prosecutor is unprecedented and does not respect the rule of law. Attorney General Barr's politicalization of justice is bottomless." ..