The screenshot shows two people having sex at a cathedral in the Siegbahn Hall in the Ångström Laboratory and the film must have been posted on a porn site, Ergo magazine writes. The university's security chief has not heard of the porn video clip before the media calls, but she thinks it is all inappropriate.

-It shows very poor judgment. We work with education and research and nothing else, says Christina Boman security manager at Uppsala University.

Repentant conversation

Universities do not know when the movie was recorded and they do not know whether it is students or employees or someone else who recorded the clip.

-We have rounds at night and daytime, but it's a big university. Our premises are about 400,000 square meters, says Christina Boman.

Early one morning this past week, an anonymous person called the security manager and apologized for the clip being recorded.

-The person was very remorseful. We haven't rotated any more in this, says Pernilla Björk, communications director at Uppsala University.