The musician, who has played in several black metal bands, has not only an occult interest but also a huge criminal record. The man, who appears 40 times in the load register, is convicted of drug offenses, ill-treatment in connection with a party after a festival concert, violent resistance and counterfeiting.

So he is now charged with several new crimes: ill-treatment, illegal threats, violation of contact unions and violations of the knife law. According to police, the first two crimes were committed against his mother, who in interrogation told her that she had been subjected to violence for several years:

"NN tells that XX has lit a fire on her and forced her to stand outside the door in only her underwear".

She also claims that her son has stolen money from her used for drugs and notes that the son is "sick".

"Wearing his knives"

The abuse the musician now stands accused of should have taken place in April last year. According to the mother, he must, among other things, have beaten her with her fists and with a knife.

“He hit me mostly on the head but everywhere else on the body as well, and held on to his knives. He had a big backpack with him and a blue jacket and he had such a great length, I think it's called fillet knife, one like this with a narrow blade, ”says the mother in interrogation.

Denies crime

The musician refuses a crime and states that he has never beaten or threatened his mother. Instead, he claims in interrogation that his mother fabricates the allegations and that at one point she claims to have been "beaten by a ghost".

- He denies all charges, says the man's lawyer Viktor Banke.

What has your client stated to explain the injuries that have occurred to his mother?

- I can't go into it before the main hearing.

The main hearing will take place at the end of May.

Black metal - which should not be confused with death metal - is an extreme form of hard rock that is often characterized by a primitive and raw soundscape with texts that do not infrequently show disgust with Christianity and pay tribute to Satan. On stage, black metal musicians often wear corpse makeup.