<Anchor> It

was overwhelmingly approved by the party's vote that the Democratic Party's legitimacy with the political party, the Citizens' Party, became a fact. However, the Korean party, the United Party's satellite party, said that the four-party talks such as democracy, civic unity, and Korea would be far from Hadang.

Reporter Park Ha-jung reports.

<Reporter> About

177,000 people participated in the vote of pros and cons of the Democratic Party asking whether it would be worthy of the satellite party's citizen party.

The result was in favor of 84.1%.

The Democratic Party plans to complete the reasonable process by filing a notification to the Central Election Commission by the 15th of the coming year.

The Democratic Party's current position is that the United Party and the Korean Party will join the Citizens' Party regardless of whether they are worthy or not.

[Heo Yoon-jung / Democratic Party spokesman: Party leadership is also very concerned about whether the UN-Korea party is appropriate. However, we plan to proceed with the process by respecting the results of the rights party voting.] The

new party leader of the United Party elected today (8th) weighed on the Korean party and the early party.

[Hohoyoung / Future United Party New Representative of the Party: (Hyundang) I think it's good to be as early as possible, and we will discuss with the leaders of the future Korean party (we will.)]

However, the mood of the Korean party is different. Today, suddenly, they proposed to hold a four-party talks where both the party and satellite parties gather.

[Won Yoo-chul / future hangukdang representative: In addition to the Democratic Party, with proposed once again to be a 2 + 2 be a meeting for the party, the future integration per citizen, Future hangukdang (together) quasi-linked proportion to the repealed]

as per the official commentary "I will be faithful to the position of the 3rd party," he said.

The party's attitude ahead of the unified party and the haphazard party emphasizes the existence of the party more than necessary.

There is no doubt that we are trying to secure more than one lawmaker to form a satellite bargaining group.

It is also said that the Korean party will form a joint bargaining group with the National Assembly, three members of the lawmakers.

(Video coverage: Park Jin-ho and Ha Ryung, Video editing: Commissioner Yang)