China News Service, May 7 (Xinhua) According to the US "World Daily" report, the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia in New York led to a suspension of work and suspension of school, and the start date of public schools has been extended. New York City Police and New York City Police Foundation (New York City Police Foundation) launched a "story in the epidemic" video solicitation campaign, soliciting the journey of the city's youth against the epidemic, and finally will award awards to encourage; The project also stated that it hopes to let the children look back and think about life in a special period, understand gratitude and pay attention to mental health counseling.

  Aaron Yang, a 14-year-old Chinese teenager who studied at Francis Lewis High School in Queens, said in a submission video that he and his teammates spent eight weeks preparing for the game but the event was cancelled due to the outbreak. Now, the students who used to get along in the school day and night can't meet now.

  But he also said that he was very happy to spend more time with his parents, learning to cook and garden, and hoped that the epidemic would pass quickly and everyone's life could return to normal. (Zhang Chen)