Qatar is one of the world's richest countries, but the corona pandemic has affected the country's economy. This makes it extremely difficult for many migrants who are now forced, among other things, to beg for food.

- I don't have much food left, just a little rice and lentils. It will only last for a few days and what happens when the food runs out ?, says an anonymous migrant to The Guardian.

Growing fear and frustration

With over 16,000 confirmed cases of covid-19 in Qatar, migrants are a group that has been hit hardest with many illness cases but also lost jobs.

The 20 interviewed migrants tell of a growing sense of desperation, frustration and fear.

- I borrow money from friends and relatives for food and rent. It is very difficult to continue without a job but I am not afraid of corona. The big problem is not having a job, says another migrant.

"It's like living in a prison"

Qatar's government has lent over SEK 7 billion to companies in the country so that people in quarantine can receive continued pay. But several migrants testify that they have not received any money.

"We have so many problems here, it's like living in a prison," says a migrant from India.