Since yesterday, four elderly people have died in hospitals and one elderly person outside a hospital.

Right now, 25 patients are in covid-19, of which 3 are in the intensive care unit. But the situation can change quickly according to the region.

“We are now seeing an increased influx of covid 19 patients to the care units at the hospitals in Växjö and Ljungby. Right now, the increase is most noticeable at the Ljungby laser hospital, where about a third of the patients are present. ” writes Kronoberg Region on its website.

New corona department in Ljungby

The increased influx of patients means that everyone is not able to fit in Växjö, which is why the region now opens a special corona department at Ljungby lasarett. It should be in full operation by the end of the week.

"But the patients are already gathered in one department," says Marie Lendahls, press secretary at the Kronoberg Region.