Sickness absence rates have skyrocketed in recent months. Now another investment is presented to enable the companies to survive the crisis. The state continues to take over sickness costs in the summer. An investment of SEK 9 billion, which was presented by the government's cooperation parties today.

- Many companies have begun to worry about what happens to sick pay costs when the month of May is over. And our message is that the state will continue to take over that cost for another two months. Since then, the responsibility is transferred to the companies, but the state will continue to take responsibility for extraordinary costs linked to sick pay, says Liberal Party leader Nyamko Sabuni.

Valid June and July

The government parties, the Center Party and the Liberals agree. In a previous crisis package, the state took over sick pay costs from the companies for April and May. Now it is extended and also applies in June and July.

From August 1, it will be a model where companies can pay again, but if sick leave continues to be higher than usual, the state will take the extra costs that the corona pandemic causes. Exactly how it is calculated is not yet clear.

Sick pay is what the employer normally pays for days 2 to 14 when an employee is on sick leave.

"Extremely pressed position"

In total, the package is estimated to cost SEK 9 billion.

- This is an extremely hard-pressed situation, for municipalities, regions and all private employers. And now comes a clear message that you do not have to worry about sick pay costs during the summer, says Anders W. Jonsson, acting party leader in the Center Party.