China News Service, Beijing, May 5 (Guo Chaokai) At the online press conference on the first flight mission of the Long March 5B carrier rocket held on the evening of the 5th, Ji Qiming, assistant director of the China Manned Space Engineering Office, said that China ’s recent space launch Two consecutive defeats. At present, the fault location and mechanism of the two defeats are basically clear.

  At the meeting, Qi Qiming was asked about the impact and countermeasures of the "continuous loss of recent space launches". In response to this, he responded: "On March 16 and April 9 of this year, China's spaceflight launch failed twice in a row, which again shows the high risk of the spaceflight cause. The" Long March "of China's spaceflight is always on the road."

  Ji Qiming said that for more than a month, the model team and aerospace experts have worked together, night and day, concentrated battles, and carried out in-depth problem review, cause analysis, and test verification. "At present, the fault location and mechanism of the two defeats have been basically clear ". At the same time, the relevant departments organized a comprehensive quality rectification and review review across the entire spaceflight, and made appropriate adjustments to the rocket launch plan originally scheduled to be implemented in the near future.

  "As a space project with the most complex system and the highest safety requirements, manned spaceflight always insists on quality first and safety first." Ji Qiming said that the Long March 5B carrier rocket is responsible for the important mission of launching the space station cabin. Whether the "three-step" strategic goal of the manned spaceflight project can be achieved can not be tolerated.

  According to reports, on the basis of a large amount of quality safety and reliability work carried out in the early stage, in response to the two recent launch failures, the Long March 5B carrier rocket and mission-related systems immediately carried out fault stripping and inference, carried out technical status and product quality Re-examination, re-examination and confirmation, comprehensive investigation of risks and weaknesses, further improvement of the plan, and efforts to turn the lessons of failure into valuable wealth.

  Ji Qiming said that the successful launch not only achieved the first battle of the space station mission, but also fought a "turn over" for China Aerospace, adding more confidence to the follow-up mission. (Finish)