The authority has looked at what has happened, what can be done and has collaborated with the Stockholm region and the Sörmland region through a web survey that has been distributed to elderly residents.

"A lot has been done and very, very quickly," says Per Follin, infection control physician in Stockholm.

Difficult with distancing on the accommodation

These include, for example, changed cleaning routines, skills-enhancing efforts and protective materials that were sent out. Restrictions on visits were introduced as was the mobility of the staff, so they did not go around between departments for example.

One area that many residents point to is the difficulty in creating safe distances between the residents, this applies to both elderly residents with and without the infected.

Per Follin points out that many elderly people have difficulty remembering and understanding instructions, especially people with dementia.

When asked whether employees have worked despite respiratory symptoms and / or fever, the answers show that it was more common in the homes that had found infection.

The virus disease covid-19 has so far affected 212 of 400 elderly residents in Stockholm County, according to the Stockholm region.

Three main conclusions of the questionnaire

Some of the conclusions reached after the web survey are, according to Malin Grape, Head of the Public Health Authority:

  • Operational managers ensure that staff stay at home with the slightest symptoms
  • Organize the staff so that each worker works with a limited number of users
  • Make sure that basic hygiene practices can be followed - it includes both knowledge and materials
Declining trend at IVA

At today's press conference from the Public Health Authority, it was revealed that 404 new cases have been registered since the last time and that now 22 721 people have been found infected in Sweden. The same figures for the number of dead are 2 769 deceased and 90 new cases.

The Public Health Authority sees a clearer declining trend among the number of people receiving intensive care (1572 has been cared for at IVA). Quite a few are also starting to arrive in regions other than Stockholm, says Anders Tegnell.