• Azzolina: alternate classes and alternative solutions for pupils according to age


May 4, 2020 To split the childhood and primary classes, 3 billion would be needed, for the staff for second grade schools, 2 and a half billion: in total for the reorganization, 5 and a half billion would be needed over 5 million per day, which would be used for masks and gloves. Another 6 billion are needed to renovate schools.

It is the 'account' made by the unions of the school in videoconference concluded by Maddalena Gissi, of Cisl Scuola stressing that "a commissioner is needed, a super partes person, out of ideologies and from the ministerial sphere who can make choices, a competent person who can decide. " "A figure like the one who made it possible to have the hospital in Milan in 10 days or to rebuild the Genoa bridge, all in compliance with the union agreements", added Gissi. "Enough of this reopening market that can only take place safely: the school can start again but only by guaranteeing the safety of teachers, ATA staff and young people. And the high school exam must also take place safely", he concluded.

"Lessons in attendance, new spaces and more staff"
A "Country Plan" for schools with more investments in staff, from teachers to ATA staff, and in structures ("an investment from a GDP point would be needed") and flexibility in finding alternative spaces to classrooms to return to a school in September face-to-face teaching, bearing in mind that "with the calculations of the distance in a class there could be a maximum of 13 pupils". This is also what the school unions ask the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina, in view of the meeting between the parties set for May 7th. The 5 most representative organizations in the sector organized a video press conference with proposals for the restart of the school year.

For Francesco Sinopoli (Flc Cgil) "it is crucial to return to face-to-face teaching. To do this we will need smaller classes and more school time, that is, more organic and more investments. An infrastructure redesigned not only in terms of safety, but also of didactic spaces. It is not true to say that everything is fine because we had distance learning. The school would need an investment for a GDP point for us ".

"The recovery - explained Maddalena Gissi (Cisl School) - cannot be going back to the old school, but we need to dialogue with the ministry and families: the school in attendance is the real school, it cannot be distance learning "and as an alternative to institutions" we have to find formulas as it happens for earthquakes: prefabricated buildings, hotels, unused situations. It is not the time to interrupt contact with students. We have to find a thousand formulas, the debate must be parliamentary: Parliament must guarantee the school a recovery. If the strategic plan has to start today, the scenario we have is below 0. It is time for a 'country plan' for the school ".

Even for Elvira Serafini (Snals Confsal) "school is interaction, not just the transmission of knowledge. Where there is the possibility of using spaces and dividing the classes well, where it is not possible we can hypothesize the double shifts, provisionally, for to be able to start a school year with all the guarantees of the distancing. In a normal classroom, with the calculations of the distancing there could be 10-13 pupils, no more. The dad was an emergency, improvised, there are no contractual rules : the learning for many pupils was difficult, everything depended on the support of the family ". According to Pino Turi (Uil Scuola) "the management of spaces must be reviewed with local authorities to create diversified spaces, more classrooms, more laboratories, with more teachers and more ATA staff. The organization of schedules must be placed in the field of autonomy of schools: teachers are used to changes ". "Distance learning - concluded Rino Di Meglio (Gilda) - was good, but it cannot replace normal teaching. For September we must be careful: we do not know what will happen in 15 days so we must see what is realistically It is possible to make and understand how many investments are needed. It would be advisable for the Ministry to set up a single national platform, available to all schools in the country ".