The survey was attended by 3.4 thousand people. According to OneTwoTrip, respondents could choose several answer options.

So, 86.5% of respondents dream of meeting relatives and friends as soon as possible, and visiting.

Almost 70% of respondents plan to go for a walk in the park immediately after lifting the restrictions. 

69% of respondents said they would like to go on a trip. More than half of the respondents (64.2%) wait when they can hug and shake hands with their friends at a meeting. 

And 63% of the survey participants said that as soon as the restaurants open, they will immediately go to their favorite institution. 

58% of those surveyed missed kebabs, and 43.6% missed walking in the mall.

Earlier, a survey of the service showed when Russians expect the restrictive measures introduced in connection with the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection in the country to be lifted. More than half of the respondents are sure that the removal of such measures will not happen before June.