
03 May 2020 "Caution" is needed because "the health emergency is not over", it is necessary "to start again but without overdoing it". So the M5s political leader Vito Crimi in an interview with AGI on the eve of phase two of the health emergency.   

Crimi recommends compliance with the rules and on the timing of the economic recovery, he prefers not to go unbalanced. There are no dates, "citizens must be accompanied but not deluded". The hope, however, is that this emergency is "a spring" for the relaunch of Italy at a time when "positive signals are coming from Europe".

Another hope: that of collaboration in Parliament, but - observes the political leader M5s - for now the opposition has chosen "an unacceptable approach".

What do you expect from the restart? What is the message that you feel to address to the Italians after the effort of these months?
"I expect caution and a sense of responsibility from everyone: institutions and citizens. The protection of health, respect for others require caution and respect for the rules".

"The Italians have shown patience, understanding and civic sense: now the time has come to start again, to start again, but without overdoing it. We proceed - adds Crimi - one step at a time, we will go back to appropriating our lives completely but we must be aware that the emergency is not over yet. " 

The plan for restarting?
"There is no ideal plan with respect to an invisible enemy that we are facing for the first time. We need a sense of responsibility and respect for the rules, this point is fundamental". 

On the economic front there are many activities in difficulty. For over 50% of Italians, the way of working has changed. How and in what time can we return to normal?
"I prefer - the political leader of the 5-star movement replies in an interview with AGI - not to mention dates, which risk being always susceptible to variations. Citizens must be accompanied, not deluded. I certainly hope, like everyone, that this will happen on as soon as possible".     

"Moreover - observes Crimi - the change in the way of working has also had positive effects: we have shown that smart working works, which can truly represent a large-scale working method valid not only for the emergency area". 

The road to getting out of the emergency is still long: what practical recommendations do you feel to give citizens to start again in maximum safety?
"The recommendations are the hygienic ones we have been adopting for over two months. Gloves and masks should not be considered as a hindrance, but as a means of protecting ourselves and our neighbor". 

Can the challenge that the Italians are facing be taken as an opportunity to relaunch the country? "I hope that this dramatic emergency can be a spring for Italy, which will push us to start again with desire and enthusiasm". 

For the political leader of the 5-star Movement Vito Crimi, Europe is now sending "positive signals" in response to the health emergency.
The emergency as a relaunch opportunity for Europe? "I hope - says Crimi in this interview with AGI - that he has the courage to take the courageous decisions that the Union needs to get out of this strengthened phase and finally become a community. Positive signs in this sense are happening, but we don't have to stop right now. " 

What consequences can derive from the political tensions of these days? Is loyal collaboration between parties still possible or is there a risk of encountering a phase of political-institutional uncertainty?
"I don't see concrete political consequences on the horizon, then everyone is free to make their own choices and has the duty to take on their own responsibilities"     

"I - said Crimi - I hope that this loyal collaboration can still exist, even if from the oppositions in particular the signals launched were of opposite sign ".     

"Their strategy is to polemicize, stir up and force to accentuate the critical issues in this very delicate phase. For me, this approach is unacceptable but - continues the political leader of the 5-star Movement - I do not devote too much attention to it and continue to to work with the whole Movement for the good of the country ".