Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed his regret for the fact that the constitutional debate is not progressing properly on the anniversary of the 73rd anniversary of the Constitution today, and repeatedly said that his resolution to revise the constitution was unwavering.

He also expressed his desire to use the Corona 19 situation to save the constitutional power.

In a video message sent to a constitutional forum hosted by a conservative group, Prime Minister Abe said he was unable to reach the goal of implementing the revised constitution this year, but "there is no shaking in the resolution."

In a video message sent to a conservative anniversary event of a conservative group in 2017, Prime Minister Abe proposed 'Enforcement of the 2020 Amendment to the Constitution' and 'Specification of the Self-Defense Forces to Article 9 of the Constitution'.

The current Japanese Constitution stipulates that Article 9, paragraphs 2 and 2 permanently abandon wars and armed forces as a means of resolving international disputes.

Prime Minister Abe has been pursuing a constitutional amendment with the provisions of the Self-Defense Forces grounds acting as a de facto military, leaving the provisions unchanged, but opposition parties have not progressed. 

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)