National Assemblyman Tae Young-ho of the future unification party said today (2nd) that North Korean Prime Minister Kim Jong-un resumed public activity and showed off his health. "It seems that Kim Jong-un's analysis that it will be difficult to act on his own is somewhat out of date." Revealed.

In a statement posted on Facebook today, Tae Dang-in said, "As Kim Jong-un appeared in the North Korean media today, the 'health abnormality' that has been around for now seems to have been dispelled."

In an interview with CNN Broadcasting on the 28th of last month, President-elect Tae said, “One thing is clear is that Kim is not standing up or walking properly.”

In recognition of his mistake of 'Kim Jong-un's health idealism', Tae Dang-in raised additional questions.

"But was there any abnormality in Kim Jong-un's health in the past 20 days?" Said Tae Dang-in. "The question is because of the vehicle that appeared behind Kim Jong-un in the photos released by North Korea today."

He explained, "My question was not cleared when Kim Jong-Il suffered a stroke in 2008, and as he survived, it was difficult to walk a short distance, and the vehicle used for each local map reappeared."

Mr. Tae also explained why he did the 'wrong analysis'.

"I analyzed the current situation based on the cases I experienced at the time of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il's death." "We consistently emphasized that the limitations are great."

However, President Tae Sun-in said, "Through this work, I am determined to put more emphasis on research and analysis on North Korea." "There is no change."

(Photo = Yonhap News)