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Wednesday's control session in the Congress of Deputies was even more aggressive than usual . The verbal knives flew and there was parliamentary blood. A not well-known Vox deputy, María Ruiz Solás, intervened to take the colors off Pablo Iglesias. However, where this lady ended up getting the Vice President of the Government was out of her boxes.

With a sweet voice, temperate attitude and pastoral tone , Ruiz Solás appealed to the responsibility of the vice president of the government and pointed him out as guilty of "the more than 15,000 deceased older people and the 25,000 infected in the nursing homes, which represents 70 % of deaths during the pandemic. "

Ruiz reproached with harsh argumentation, but velvety ways, the also Minister of Social Rights for turning these centers into "houses of horrors, where the victims were locked up and sentenced to death" due to the discriminatory management by the Government at the time of decide which people and what age should be taken to the hospital or not. Also, the number of empty beds in private clinics and a long list of attitudes, in his opinion, erratic, made him ugly. That is, he took down his management point by point.

Iglesias's anger was unleashed as soon as he stepped onto the dais. His intervention was much shorter than that of his opponent, whom he described, along with his party, as "miserable" for "using death to do politics". The Podemos leader added that Vox «represents hatred, hypocrisy and moral misery" and assured: "Spain will get rid of, for the second time in the 20th century, the filth that you represent (...). They are not even fascists, they are parasites! ».

From Marquise to Marquis

Separate mention to euthanasia and Pope Francis , whom Iglesias admires despite not being a believer, the climate in the Hemicycle could not have been more hostile. Fortunately, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo defended Ruiz with a little humor and said to the purple: "From Marquise to Marquis, today you have passed."

Pablo Iglesias, in Congress, pissed off.EFE

Well, another Vox woman who is not Macarena Olona gives a pulse to Pablo Iglesias that few expected. But who is that lady with such a docile but blunt-looking appearance that has faced the great speaker on the left? Many of the viewers who attended this direct affront asked themselves.

Maria Ruiz Solás, the first public office in the history of Vox , has been a councilor of the party in the Madrid municipality of Villaviciosa de Odón since 2015. In the elections of April 28 of last year, number 4 was presented by Madrid and was a of the deputies, to date, more discreet of the green formation. In Congress, where he serves as spokesperson for the Labor and Social Security Commission and is a spokesperson for the Industry and Equality Commission, he usually maintains warmth in his speeches but the coronavirus crisis has intensified his words, not his way of pronouncing them.

Graduated in Journalism from the San Pablo CEU University, she is 50 years old and has been legally separated for a year from the father of her four children , also a journalist. Defender of the traditional family, this Madrilenian disillusioned with the PP has resided in Villaviciosa for more than two decades and has appeared twice at the town hall.


In his declaration of assets to Congress, it is stated that he drives a Jaguar and has an annual salary of about 63,000 euros, a property property in Villaviciosa, an estate in Cáceres with a mortgage of more than 200,000 euros and the percentage of an inherited apartment in Madrid . The liquidity in his accounts amounted to 6,000 euros when he obtained his seat.

Ruiz Solás, who has worked as a journalist in a family business related to the automotive industry, also worked as an editor in the digital newspaper La Prensa de Villa until he got into politics. But Pablo Iglesias is not the first disappointment he suffers. Last year, the PP candidate for mayor of her town, Pilar Martínez, accused the ex-husband of María Ruiz Solás of "distributing anonymous libels" against her party and her person, Efe published, and involved other Vox members. They were referring to pamphlets mailed throughout the municipality "written in a defamatory tone" against Ruiz's opponents, whom they accused of having financed and distributed them and of "resorting to mafia practices, typical of hidden business interests in their fight against local politicians." Fortunately for the deputy, everything was in a threat and the lawsuit did not go to court.

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