Paris (AFP)

Masked in front of the statue of Joan of Arc, for May 1 of RN, Marine Le Pen estimated Friday that "today everyone should wear a mask in public space", then indulging in a blasting speech "the Macron nugget" and its "ideological bankruptcy".

Accompanied by N.2 of RN Jordan Bardella, Marine Le Pen deposited a wreath of flowers shortly after 9am in front of the statue of Joan of Arc at the Place des Pyramides in Paris, where her father and founder of the FN (usually RN) Jean-Marie Le Pen, who finally gave up going out because of the epidemic.

"And I am completely opposed to the reopening of the schools before September," she added.

At the end of the morning, the RN continued its May 1 on the internet, because of the coronavirus, with an intervention of about twenty minutes from the declared candidate for the presidential 2022, in her first long speech since confinement.

She pointed the finger at the pandemic and its management an "ideological bankruptcy across the board" by denouncing "ultra-liberalism", "globalism", "without frontierism" and "Europeanism".

According to her, this "crisis provides the demonstration that the Macron nugget (....) did not embody a new world but closed an ideological and political cycle, and certainly a historical cycle. The next world cannot be made with those who have been so much mistaken and have so much deceived the peoples, "she said.

The RN president rejected any idea of ​​a "national union", which would be "a grouping of opportunists", a government "which would change to change nothing".

Then, by criticizing a "haggard" government and a "harmful" European Union, she pleaded for a "great change, a real change to find (....) the ways of security and greatness".

Jean-Marie Le Pen estimated him, in a video message recorded at his place, that "it will have taken a grain of sand, the coronavirus, to derail globalism".

"French patriots will not be able to pay Jeanne the popular tribute that is due to him," he continued to the sound of bagpipes. "Saint Joan for help", he launches, in what seems to be still an allusion to the coronavirus and which recalls his "Joan for help" of 2015, at the time when he was in full conflict with his daughter.

Every first May since 1988, the FN then RN pays homage to Joan of Arc. It is the first time that Jean-Marie Le Pen cannot participate in this event.

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