In an interview with Reuters, President Trump said South Korea has agreed to pay more to the United States for an agreement on defense cooperation.

Reuters said Trump said in an interview at the White House office that the specific amount was not mentioned.

Most of the Reuters articles are about China's response to Corona 19 and the US presidential election, and South Korea's comments are only brief.

Although the expression 'consensus on defense cooperation' mentioned in the article is ambiguous, it is understood that questions and answers regarding the defense negotiations were misleading in the context of the size of USFK presence.

In contrast to President Trump's comments, there is no sense in the government of the imminent settlement of the US-ROK defense-sharing agreement.

Because of this, the evaluation is coming from some corners, not to say that Trump's remarks did not come from a kind of pressure to increase the burden on Korea.

Reuters reported on Thursday that President Trump has rejected South Korea's 13% increase offer, and Trump said on the 20th that South Korea offered a certain amount but declined.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)