The Danish security police PET and the Copenhagen Police have made a strike concerning a suspected preparation for terrorist attacks with an Islamist motive. This is announced by the Copenhagen Police in a press release.

Jørgen Bergen Skov, Copenhagen Police Chief, and Flemming Drejer, Operations Manager at PET, met the press in Copenhagen on Thursday afternoon to inform about the strike.

A man is now arrested on suspicion of preparing for terror. Among other things, the man must have tried to obtain firearms and ammunition. 

"Possibly wanted to shoot civilians"

Denmark's Minister of Justice Nick Hekkerup told Danish TV2 on Thursday night that the suspect possibly planned to shoot at civilians.

"We are of the opinion that he is inspired by militant Islamism and that he wanted to commit terror crimes, possibly shoot people and the police," said the Justice Minister.

The man's attitude to the charges is unclear.

Believers have acted alone

Police believe the man has acted alone, according to the Danish newspaper Ekstrabladet.

Flemming Drejer at PET currently cannot answer when or where it is believed the attack was planned to take place or where the suspect has tried to procure weapons.

The suspected man will be questioned behind closed doors on Friday.

"Intensive intelligence"

Flemming Drejer calls the police work "intensive intelligence", but does not want to comment on how long the suspect has been.

In December last year, the Danish police attacked 20 people in a comprehensive anti-terror campaign, but during the press conference it was stated that today's arrest has no connection to that case, according to Ekstrabladet.

Seven of the 20 people arrested in December are now in custody while investigations are ongoing.