• Phase 2, Count tomorrow in Parliament. Minority motion: "Restore freedom"
  • Coronavirus, the center-right governors in Mattarella and Conte: more autonomy in phase 2
  • Phase 2, Boccia to governors: "Ordinances consistent with the Dpcm or warnings"


April 30, 2020 The government is moving towards the warning of the order of the Calabria Region which orders the opening of bars, restaurants and pastry shops. The order, which goes against the Dpcm on the lockdown in force until May 3, was the subject of debate during the Council of Ministers last night. 

According to the provision signed by the President of the Region, Jole Santelli, bars, patisseries, restaurants, pizzerias and farmhouses can open today. But on condition that the administration takes place only through the service with outdoor tables. Calabria therefore starts with the accelerator on phase 2. A unique measure in the national panorama in view of the resumption of activities and which - explains the President of the Region - "speaks the language of trust". 

The document has a series of reopenings as of April 30th. Among these, also the trade in foodstuffs in the open-air markets, including street vending also outside the Municipality, without prejudice to respect for interpersonal distances and the use of masks and gloves. Retail trade in flowers, plants, seeds and fertilizers will also be permitted. The activities of restaurants, pizzerias, takeaways for take-away sales are resumed, but these same premises - including bars - will also be able to administer on the spot and only through outdoor tables, provided that the minimum 'anti-contagion' measures are respected and without prejudice to sector regulations ".   

The region is at the bottom of the national contagion ranking for Covid, with 1,102 positive people, five more in the last 24 hours, and 86 victims since the emergency began. "Since in recent weeks - explains Santelli - the Calabrians have shown civic sense and respect for the rules, it is right that the Region puts trust in them today. They will be able to demonstrate common sense in managing the new open spaces that the Region has decided to allow, even beyond the Government dictation ". From April 30, travel within the Municipality or to other Municipalities for individual sports is also allowed, but also travel - once a day - to reach owned boats to be maintained and repaired. The agricultural activities and the management of small animal breeds carried out in amateur form, the work of setting up bathing establishments and the transformation of industrial products resume. And transfers for assistance to non-autonomous people are allowed, including those for whom assistance must be provided as they fall within the health grounds.

The mayors against the ordinance
Mostly negative reactions from the Calabrian mayors to the ordinance with which the President of the Region, Jole Santelli, has arranged a series of openings starting from April 30th. Many are the first citizens, mainly center-left, who on their Facebook pages are informing their communities of the intention not to apply the Santelli ordinance. The mayor of Reggio Calabria, Giuseppe Falcomata ', writes that "sometimes reality exceeds fantasy. It is not played on the skin and health of citizens. I hope that at night it will bring advice, otherwise we will determine ourselves accordingly. In the meantime I ask everyone keep calm, we'll talk about it in the morning. " Flavio Stasi, mayor of Corigliano Rossano (Cosenza), informs that "with particular reference to the commercial activities concerned, the union ordinances regarding the containment of contagion remain in force. I understand the sincere will of some activities, in serious difficulty, to open and I'm sorry, but - Stasi points out - this is not the time for confusion. The return to everyday life must be considered ". Pino Belcastro, mayor of San Giovanni in Fiore (Cosenza), announces that he will issue "an ordinance that respects the regulations passed by the government, my city will not put it in danger".

Callipo and Pd: "Irresponsible Santelli ordinance"
"We invite Calabrian citizens to be very cautious and we are confident that they will prove more responsible than those who govern them". This was stated by the opposition group leader "Io Resto in Calabria" in the Regional Council, Pippo Callipo, commenting on the order with which tonight the President of the Region, Jole Santelli, arranged a series of openings starting tomorrow, April 30, between including those of bars, restaurants, farmhouses and pastry shops but only with outdoor table service. "Until a few days ago - says Callipo - the president of the Region Jole Santelli spoke of keeping Calabria closed until the end of May, today it even anticipates phase 2 going well beyond the reopenings that the government has announced for May 4. The one announced tonight by President Santelli, with at least irresponsible timing because it foresees the reopening already for tomorrow, it is an ordinance - continues the group leader of 'Io Resto in Calabria' - very imprudent and evidently inconsistent with what she has claimed up to yesterday " .