An Indian village is attracting attention with exotic accessories to prevent corona19.

Foreigners, including IANS News Agency of India on the 27th of the local time, reported that they are pursuing measures to secure social distance by carrying 'umbrellas' among residents in Tannermucom village in Kerala, southern India.

"I spread about two umbrellas so I don't hit them, so I can get about one meter distance between people," said Treasury Secretary Thomas Isaac, who proposed the idea. Tannermukom's parliament decided to review Secretary Isaac's proposal and immediately execute it.

The village chief, Joti, gave an umbrella to the residents and encouraged the use of the umbrella, saying, "Hope that the clouds of Corona 19 will be removed soon, cover the summer sunshine to come, prevent rain, and set the street at the same time." The town of Tannermukom said it would produce more than 10,000 umbrellas by itself in the future.

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(Photo = Finance Minister Thomas Isaac)