• Salvini: "The salary problem will shortly be a social bomb. Equitalia folders? Send them to waste"
  • Berlusconi: Phase two confused. Delays EU blame for sovereignties
  • Conte: "I'd do it all again, stick to the plan: relapse would be fatal"
  • Consulta, Cartabia: "Constitution is a compass to manage an emergency"


April 29, 2020The information on the Covid-19 emergency of the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the Senate is scheduled for tomorrow at 12.30. This was announced by the president of the senators of Iv Davide Faraone at the end of the group leader of Palazzo Madama.

Minority: "Stop Dpcm"
With 'Phase 2' the government will restore "all guaranteed constitutional freedoms", "in compliance with the security measures and rules on social distancing" and restore "the rule of law in order to correct all regulatory distortions emerged "," in order to restart the normal dialectic with the Parliament "assigning" measures limiting freedom to primary rules ". This is requested by a unitary motion of the minority signed by the group leaders of Forza Italia, Fratelli d'Italia, Lega and Noi with Italy. 

"The health emergency caused by the arrival in Italy of the epidemic from Covid-19 - write Lollobrigida, Lupi, Gelmini and Molinari in the motion - risks overturning the whole constitutional structure of our country in the very important part concerning its rights and fundamental freedoms constitutionally guaranteed ".

"State supremacy clause towards the regions? It distorts the constitutional order"
The group leaders point out the impact of the "numerous substantially administrative measures" on what is guaranteed by the Constitution for the "freedom of movement (art. 16 of the Constitution), of meeting (art .17), association (art.18), the exercise of religious cults (art.19), teaching and education (art.33 and 34), as well as the freedom of economic initiative (art.41, first paragraph "Always in the name of the emergency - they denounce - it is now assumed that the Constitution will also be amended to insert a state supremacy clause over the regions to protect the legal or economic unity of the Republic or to protect it in the interest national, thus also distorting the constitutional structure provided for in Title V ".  

" Continued enactment of Dpcm has created a violation of the sources of law " 
The minority also complains about the use of Dpcm to regulate the emergency: "It is undeniable - write Fi, Fdi, Lega and Noi with Italy - that the continuous enactment of Dpcm with effects on constitutionally guaranteed rights, limiting or even suppressing, the main freedoms protected by our constitutional charter, has created a violation of the sources of law, being a secondary regulatory source of a regulatory nature ". 

"The Constitution does not contemplate a special right for exceptional times"
Citing the alarm of the President of the Consulta, contained in the report on the activity of the Court, the minority reminds that "the Constitution does not contemplate a special right for exceptional times" and that therefore "after the first emergency phase any further restrictions have to be decided, therefore, only and exclusively by Parliament". "Moreover, all this secondary-level normative production, which does not pass through parliamentary control, is also written in a questionable way from a legal point of view, will inevitably lead" to "a long phase of civil and criminal litigation with regard to all complaints penalties and administrative fines that were imposed during the controls phase ".

Salvini: "We will preside over Parliament"
"We will try to be more incisive to make citizens' voices heard. We will preside over Parliament, because the Italians have already heard so many promises in these two months". Matteo Salvini said so. "The traders took to the streets, tonight there will be other demonstrations, all composed, at a distance, with masks. The Italians - added the leader of the League - are showing enormous patience, but patience for many does not coincide with the rent , with the mortgage and with the bills and therefore we try to put all the pressure possible for the government to listen to these people ". 

#Salvini: The Italians have heard too many promises. Yesterday evening the merchants took to the streets, respecting the safety rules, in Udine, in Spirano, in Pavia, in Bari, in Savona. For many, patience does not coincide with mortgages, rents and bills. They must be listened to. # 7Gold

- Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) April 29, 2020
Gelmini: "This is a false restart"
"There are artisans, traders, VAT numbers, self-employed workers, who can't take it anymore, who are now at the end. This is an intolerable situation , and the shutdown of many activities throughout the month of May endangers the survival of the companies. The reboot that we have in mind is not this, this is false 'phase 2', decided, among other things, by authorizing Parliament and avoiding a discussion in the due places ". So Mariastella Gelmini, Forza Italia's group leader in the Chamber of Deputies, in a video published on Facebook.