Author: Nie Yun

  "Injecting disinfectant into the body may eliminate the new crown virus"-At the White House press conference a few days ago, US President Trump threw this brain-opening "remedy", which led to a surge in the abuse of disinfectants in the United States. While the FDA, various state governments, and even disinfectant manufacturers are busy spreading rumors, Trump said in a big voice that he is not responsible for the abuse of disinfectants against epidemics.

  The lightly fluttering "I am not responsible" portrays the president's arrogant attitude of "being unreasonable and strong", and also shows the willfulness of the president to build the fun of "mouth guns" on the people's anxiety.

  Are there so few "I am not responsible" moments?

  When the outbreak of New York State urgently needed 30,000 ventilator support, the president did not believe that the federal government's responsibility was to actively coordinate resource allocation, but instead indignantly questioned why New York State needs so many ventilators? When testing reagents are scarce in the United States, rich people without obvious symptoms can be tested, and ordinary people with symptoms have to wait in line, the president does not believe that the federal government ’s responsibility is to ensure the fair distribution of resources, but rather a quiet sentence "maybe this is life When the president disregarded the question of multiple states and announced the "restart of the United States", the outside world saw his enthusiasm for fighting the economy and collecting votes. As for the lack of protection, the epidemic rebounded. Observers have already prepared his lines. "Nani, does it matter to me?" No wonder, FAKE PRESIDENT (fake president) recently topped the list of hot words in the English world.

  The light-hearted “I am not responsible” is not just Mr. President ’s self-clarification and safety in the disinfectant remedy farce. Is n’t it the blame, dumping and aphasia of the ruling team led by him in the overall response to the epidemic in the United States?

  In the past three months, the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States has soared from 1 to more than 1 million, and the number of deaths has exceeded 50,000. In the face of the death of such a scale, does Washington dare to pat on the chest and say that in protecting the lives and public life of the American people Interests "really take responsibility"? When China goes all out for domestic anti-epidemic and global anti-epidemic efforts, Washington politicians are willing to attack China with various "conspiracy theories." Is it the American style of the 21st century to reverse black and white and dump others? While WHO is running around for humans to defeat the virus, Washington vented its own irritability against the epidemic on WHO. Could it be said that the "home remedy" of WHO conforms to the "larger capacity," Greater responsibility "?

  "Politics requires sacrifice, of course, the sacrifice of others." As the lines in the American drama "House of Cards" revealed, in the eyes of Trump and his ruling team, the lives and public interests of the American people, the "imaginary enemy" of China, and the "disobedient" WHO ... they all tacitly agreed. "Sacrifice of others", thus serving "politics under their control." This is the essence of Washington's anti-epidemic "remedies".

  The air was sullenly blamed, blaming it, blaming others. This is not responsible, that is not responsible, and is solely responsible for his own personal interests. Have such "remedies" of this nature beat the virus, saved the United States, and served the world?