Spain, which has suffered much damage from Corona19, has implemented very strong restrictions on outing, but children have recently been allowed to go out.

Short but too long, the children came out very excited.

<Oh! Click> The third search term is 'children who jumped out in 6 weeks'.

Spanish kids left the house in just six weeks.
You still have to wear a mask, but the children are so happy that they just fly out and fly in the air. For a long time, for the children who drink outside air, Dad also plays hard.

This scene has finally been made possible, as Spanish authorities have eased restrictions on children going under the age of 14.

Spain's Corona19 daily deaths fell to the lowest in five weeks, allowing children to go out.

It is said that children can go out once a day, up to a radius of 1 km from their residence, only when accompanied by their parents.

Domestic netizens said, "I like this, but how hard was it to be locked up at home?" "I miss the last day I was able to play as much as I wanted." It showed back reaction.