China News Network, Hangzhou, April 28 (Tong Xiaoyu) On April 28, the Hangzhou Municipal Education Bureau of Zhejiang Province issued a notice advocating that teachers and students should reduce their outings during the "May Day" holiday, and in principle they cannot travel outside the province. If you really need to travel outside the city and visit relatives and friends, you should report to the school for record before you travel.

  Starting from April 13th, Hangzhou primary and secondary schools will start classes and resume classes in batches at different times. The "May Day" holiday is coming, the Hangzhou Education Bureau issued a notice advocating that teachers and students "Zhejiang people travel to Zhejiang" and "Hangzhou people travel to Hangzhou". During the "May Day", the number of people will be reduced. Do not get together hot spots, in principle, do not travel outside the province.

  During the "May Day", if you really need to travel outside the city and visit relatives and friends, you should report to the school for record before you travel. After returning to Hangzhou, report the trajectory of outing activities in time, and do not hide or lie about the outing activities.

  The notice mentions that when you go out, try to travel by car as much as possible, and go back and forth that day to reduce accommodation; try to bring your own drinks and food and reduce dinners; when you are in a crowded place, you must wear masks, protect them, and reduce contact with others; Relationship, do a good job of psychological counseling for students.

  The notice also set forth requirements for the prevention and control of school outbreaks during the "May Day" holiday and after the end of the holiday.

  Schools at all levels and all kinds of schools must strictly implement closed management during the "May Day" holiday; the school will strengthen the inspection of teachers and students ’outings and health status during the" May Day "holiday, and timely understand the" May Day "of teachers and students During the period of going out; teachers and students who travel to key areas and return to Hangzhou must strictly implement relevant detection measures; after May 1st, they must continue to strictly implement the "bright code + temperature measurement" management system for entering the school, and avoid holding "green code" "Teachers and students enter the school. (Finish)