"I would like to inform you that, for all those whose home is less than 1km from Campello beach, as is my case, since yesterday, you can take walks on the sand. Enjoy it." With these words, the mayor of Vox San Juan Gema Alemán has justified on Facebook her photographs on the same social network that yesterday received all kinds of criticism for going to the beach with her two children and her husband, when the government decree only allows one adult for every three minors. In addition, he has done it in a neighboring municipality, El Campello, so the distance he was from his home is questioned, and there are those who also reproach him for going down to the beach.

Along with his explanation, the mayor included a side of the municipality of El Campello under the title: " the City Council activates a special device before the opening of the beaches to take walks with children " as justification for the post in which he could be seen in several photos with his family and the following text: "Confined since March 10, total 45 days, today I was able to go for a walk with my children, one hour. I wish that all of you who are parents have been able to enjoy a Family trip".

Post that earned him the reviews on social networks THE WORLD

In the municipal document it is exposed " the opening of the beaches and coves of the municipality, as of today, so that children accompanied by an adult, and always respecting the proper safety measures, can take walks on the sand. insistence that the use of children's games and areas for sports is not allowed. " Also that "on the first morning of opening there have been no incidents."

In fact, it appears that this beach was not closed as it continues: "The Service and Maintenance brigade worked yesterday throughout the afternoon-night, along the 23 kilometers of El Campello coast, preparing to open it. Operators They left all the accesses to the beaches open, for which they had to remove a hundred fences of restriction of passage distributed along the entire coastline. The Local Police will be responsible from today to ensure that the measures are strictly adhered to. of security".

Be that as it may, the image of the councilor has elicited hundreds of comments both on her Facebook wall and in the information that reproduced it on the suitability of maintaining social distance between people of the same family who live in "under the same roof "when they go out and on the rule that only parents can accompany minors.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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