There is still no fire ban in Västerbotten, but along the coast there is a moderate risk of grass fire as last year's grass is very dry. Towards the end of April, the risk along the coastal country will increase to great risk. The emergency services in Umeå call for caution in case of fire.

- Never cook when there is wind outside, says Christer Björkman at the rescue service in Umeå.

Big differences in the county

At present, there is little risk of grass fires inland and in the mountains. Perhaps the least risk is in Stekenjokk where Vildmarksvägen is currently being cleared of snow. But there is still a fire risk where the snow melts and last year's grass looks ahead.

- A good tool for seeing the fire risk where you live is the app Fire risk outside, Christer Björkman tips.

"Can be difficult to extinguish"

For those who want to burn off areas with old grass, there is a lot to think about. Although grass fires in themselves rarely cause major damage, there is a risk that the flames will spread quickly when it is blowing.

- Then it can be difficult to stop extinguishing, says Björkman.

He has some tips for those who are thinking about a fire:

• Develop extinguishing equipment.

• Water where you do not want it to burn.

• Take out rake or shovel to dampen the flames.

Hear more in the clip about the fire risk.