Society's restrictions during the corona crisis threaten to have severe financial consequences.  

Far too difficult, says PM Nilsson, executive writer at Dagens Industri. 

- The most dangerous thing about the economic crisis that we are heading into is the looming mass unemployment in Europe and the US. It is dangerous for people's lives and health, he says in the Meeting. 

Interprets PM Nilsson in editorial text

He argued in a leadership text that Sweden should open up society again, for business. 

PM Nilsson's lead text led Johan Ehrenberg, founder of the red-green newspaper ETC, to respond in his own editorial text where PM Nilsson is accused of "starting to count the number of dead and finds that the cost of this small number is not reasonable to pay".

In the meeting they go to the bottom with what they really meant.

- What made me react so strongly to your text was that I got the feeling that the wheels that are going to start spinning, that is the stock exchange and the financial markets. And then you use arguments about mass unemployment, but there are quite different solutions to that, says Johan Ehrenberg.

"Does not relativize the victims"

PM Nilsson does not agree that he would "count the number of dead":

- I do not relativize the victims in corona. However, I say that there is no society that saves lives at any cost. For example, alcohol and tobacco are allowed. Or private car. That if anything is deadly, he says in the Meeting.

Does Sweden's infection protection cost too much from an economic perspective? PM Nilsson and Johan Ehrenberg feel completely different in this matter. See excerpts from their meeting in the clip above or the entire program on SVT Play.