Abdul Hafiz Al-Sawy

As the events of the Corona crisis escalate, there is another segment of the world’s population that may not be heard, as they are far from the decision-making circles, and are under the influence of wars or climatic changes, and they suffer from acute food insecurity.

They were drawn to by the World Food Program warning issued during the past few days, which expected the Corona crisis to increase their numbers from 135 million people in 2019 to 265 million by the end of 2020.

The crisis of those who suffer from food insecurity - in moderate or severe condition - is concentrated in ten countries worldwide, including three Arab countries: Yemen, Syria and Sudan, and outside the Arab region the list includes countries: Afghanistan, South Sudan, Venezuela, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Haiti.

According to the data of the World Food Program, there are 821 million people who suffer from hunger worldwide, of whom 135 million are suffering from extreme hunger or extreme poverty, and the World Food Program is delivering aid to only 100 million people, of whom 30 million are related to their survival. With what they get from the program aid.

It is one of the tragedies of civilization of the twenty-first century, that the food program reminds that there are about 300 thousand individuals who are at risk of starvation during the next three months, and that the specter of starvation may threaten up to about 30 countries under the Corona pandemic. 

Therefore, the program requires support of about $ 1.9 billion to carry out its tasks, in light of the developments of the Corona crisis and the resulting increase in the number of people who suffer from hunger.

the crisisArab
talk of the Organization of the ESCWA report pointed out that the negative repercussions of the crisis Corona will add 8.3 million people to the number of the poor, bringing the total number of poor people in the Arab region 101.4 million individuals, representing a ratio of 24.3% of the total population of 415 million in 2018. 

As for the corona’s repercussions on the food situation, the ESCWA report indicates that the crisis will add about 1.9 million individuals to those who suffer from food shortages in the Arab world, knowing that their number before Corona was about 50 million, which represents 12% of the total population in 2018. 

Among the undernourished in the Arab region, 16 million are food insecure, ranging from moderate to severe. 

And there is an important issue related to the food situation in the Arab region, where data show that the region depends on imports at a large rate to provide food, and the food bill is Arab $ 110 billion annually, which is equivalent to 4% of the Arab GDP. 

And it is necessary - in light of the Corona crisis and the food conditions around the world - to review food behavior in the Arab region, where a food waste estimated at about $ 60 billion annually occurs, and if this waste is rationalized by about 50%, this will lead to an increase In household income equivalent to 20 billion dollars. 

The negative repercussions of the Corona crisis will increase the number of the poor to more than one hundred million people in the Arab (European) region

the reasonsWorldwideAnd
there is no doubt in the Arab world that what was included in the warning of the World Food Program carries humanitarian messages condemning the civilization of the twenty-first century, especially those called adults who lead this world and march its economic and political conditions, and puts everyone before a human responsibility that will be recorded in history and condemns the developed countries and the governments of developing countries, for what it has reached The human condition in something that is considered one of the most urgent necessities, which is the minimum food. 

Corona's crisis, in light of the stoppage of the production movement in many areas, contributed to raising the concerns of many countries about the continuation of food supplies, as some food producing countries were quick to announce the halt of exports of some food commodities, while other countries took steps to raise their quantities in food stores Unjustifiably, in the context of the blurring of time to finish facing the Corona pandemic. 

Unfortunately, the negative repercussions of the Corona crisis on the economic front seem to affect international aid from rich countries to poor countries, especially those that fund humanitarian programs such as the World Food Program.

There is a fundamental issue related to the reasons that put many developing countries in the predicament of the food crisis, which is to leave the agricultural sector and invest in it, claiming that it has low returns, and the trend towards other economic sectors, especially the services sector.  

It is surprising that this was done without an alternative plan to rely on importing food from abroad and preparing scenarios to confront crises in an important matter such as providing food security. There is no doubt that the declining rates of international trade and the concerns about transmission of infection have affected the movement of ships and the transportation of food significantly, and the negative behavior of some is not absent from exploiting the opportunity and raising prices to provide food supplies. 

Corona crisis is an opportunity for developing countries to correct many economic and social conditions (European)

planThe confrontation is
no secret to anyone that most of the wars suffered by developing countries are managed wars, and international and regional powers can put down these wars as soon as possible. Perhaps the Arab case is the best evidence, and what happened in Yemen recently through the cease-fire decision, is the best evidence that these Wars can be stopped in a short time, and if not, aid can be channeled to the homeless and the marginalized and secure their areas, enabling them to obtain the necessary food. 

The Corona crisis is an opportunity for developing countries - including Arab countries - to correct many economic and social conditions in general, and in terms of agriculture and food in particular.

The agricultural sector and the food industries need more attention and support, and the support of the agricultural sector is not a defective thing. The damage they suffered due to the trade war between America and China.

The crisis is also an opportunity to correct food and consumer habits in the Arab world. What is wasted amounts to large amounts, which can improve the conditions of many families. If this does not reduce the value of the food bill, then it will be directed to the surplus food of those who are able to suffer from a food crisis that puts their lives at risk. 

What has been mentioned more than once during the food crisis in the Arab world, is the need to take advantage of the streets and public parks and grow them with fruit trees, and get away with a percentage of the ornamental trees, as well as the need for individuals and families to resort to cultivating roofs and balconies, leading to a good contribution to Providing food to the community. 

The matter does not need to mention the problems that Arab relations suffer from, but perhaps the damage resulting from the Corona crisis at the economic level will be a motive for moving the file of Arab economic integration, and through this file the field of agricultural and food production will be the fastest file that can be considered a bridge to restore Arab relations to their correct status, This should be in light of an extended and long-term path, and not only in times of crisis.