• How we will travel in Phase 2: the working draft of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
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April 24, 2020 The "long confrontation" with the social partners "ended in a profitable and positive way. A comparison from which, in view of the start of phase 2, the protection of the health of all workers, the compass that has always guided us , comes out further strengthened ". So the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Nunzia Catalfo, after the ok to update the Protocol on March 14th. It is "a further step forward to ensure our businesses start again," he says.

"The protocol for contrasting and containing the spread of Coronavirus in the workplace signed on 14 March at the invitation of the government", says Catalfo on Facebook. It was "a long confrontation, which went on all night, which ended in a profitable and positive way. A comparison from which, in view of the start of phase 2, the protection of the health of all workers, the compass that he has always guided us, he comes out further strengthened. This was our initial goal and we hit it again ", underlines the minister. "Once again, the government and the social partners have shown themselves to be attentive to the safety of workers and, more generally, of the citizens. A further step forward - he concludes - to guarantee our real businesses to start again".

Return measures have been implemented, from protection devices to sanitization, from smart working to remote locations. Temporary suspension is also provided for companies that do not apply the rules.

The medical certification of "occurred negative" for the return of workers already positive to Covid-19; the use of surgical masks for all workers who share common spaces; extraordinary sanitization of the rooms upon reopening in the most risky situations; the remodeling of work spaces and workstations, spaced apart, in addition to the provision of different times. These are the main points, it is learned, included in the "Shared protocol for the regulation of measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace" signed on March 14, 2020 and integrated today. And, again, the use of smart working to be "encouraged" even in the reactivation phase of the job with the support of the employer (assistance in the use of equipment, modulation of work times and breaks).