"If you compare before the corona crisis, would you say that today you have increased or decreased the number of physical meetings with other people?"

Novus has asked that question to 1456 Swedes during Thursday and Friday. And the answers at hand indicate that a massive majority has changed their behavior, and that properly. 93 percent of those interviewed say they have reduced their social contacts, most have done so to a very large extent.

And despite reports of congestion on the capital's outdoor cafés, the Stockholmers have been most frequent with social distancing:

- According to the interview response, the Stockholmers are clearly better than their reputation and have significantly reduced the number of physical meetings with other people. Significantly more than what has been done in the rest of the country, but that is because the advice so far has been directed directly to Stockholmers as well, says Novus CEO Torbjörn Sjöström.

Confirms the rule

According to the survey, the older age groups have been better at listening to the advice of the Public Health Authority. 84 per cent of the 50-79 age group say that they have greatly reduced the number of physical meetings. The corresponding proportion in the 18-29 age group is 56 percent. The difference is fully understandable given what has been said about risk groups.

The survey also shows that residents in Norrland as well as "Småland and the islands" (Gotland and Öland, red's note) have so far been less likely to change their behavior due to the risk of infection, possibly because the spread has so far been less in these regions.

The survey also shows that 2 percent say they meet more people since the corona crisis broke out.

- Hopefully, it doesn't matter much, given that the large masses do what they can to not make the situation worse. It is a hopeful image that makes you understand that you are not alone in taking care of yourself and taking this seriously.

Photo: Novus