Illustration of the Facebook application. - DENIS CHARLET / AFP

Facebook has launched a large survey to obtain a more precise map of the spread of the coronavirus in the world. Already launched in the United States for two weeks, it appeared in France on Wednesday, reports Le Monde . Only certain users of the social network are invited to respond.

Concretely, this survey takes the form of a series of questions on the symptoms of Covid-19 such as: “Do you have a fever? "Or" Have you lost your sense of smell? " In the United States, the first results analyzed by Carnegie-Mellon University have already been published. Social media managers deemed them to be relevant enough to spread the experience worldwide.

"This data can help us predict where the disease will spread"

"It is extremely difficult to get reliable data on this epidemic, but with our multi-billion user community, we believe Facebook can do it," said Steve Satterfield, public policy officer for Facebook, at an online press conference.

Once the results have been collected around the world, the idea is to be able to help local authorities to better predict epidemic peaks as well as the evolution of the spread of the virus. “[The reliability of] the data collected is confirmed in places where we have reliable public data. This suggests that this data can help us predict where the disease will spread, "said Mark Zuckerberg in a column published by the Washington Post .


Coronavirus: Please note, this deconfinement map of France is not official


Facebook: “Anti-containment” events removed from the social network

  • Facebook
  • Survey
  • World
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19