A new envelope of 39 million euros has been released by the executive to help low-income households. Among these 39 million euros, 25 million will first be paid to associations responsible for food aid, which note a sharp increase in demand. 

The government announced Thursday to release an additional 39 million euros for food aid to the poorest, hit hard by the consequences of the coronavirus and containment. These 39 million euros "will support associations and respond urgently to overdue areas," said Christelle Dubos, secretary of state for poverty reduction, at a press conference. This amount is equivalent to one third of the annual budget usually allocated by the State to associations for food aid.

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Since the start of confinement, 65 million euros have already been mobilized by the government in aid schemes for the homeless, for which 10,600 additional hotel places have been mobilized. This new envelope of 39 million euros targets this time more particularly modest households, victims of a fall in their activity and their income due to the health crisis. 

14 million emergency food vouchers

A first tranche of 25 million will be distributed to associations in charge of food aid who have noted, in recent weeks, an increase in demand which they sometimes find it difficult to cope with.


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These 25 million "will finance purchases of foodstuffs, centralized by the State and on behalf of associations. They will also allow the direct purchase of foodstuffs by associations," said Christelle Dubos. 

In parallel, 14 million euros will be distributed in the form of emergency food vouchers, in troubled areas in mainland France and overseas. Entrusted to the prefectures, these checks will be distributed by the Communal Social Action Centers (CCAS), for an equivalent of 105 euros per identified household. "From tomorrow, the territories concerned will receive these first emergency food checks," assured Christelle Dubos. 

25,000 homes in Seine-Saint-Denis

In Seine-Saint-Denis, "the territory in most difficulty", emergency food aid will represent 2.6 million euros and will benefit "25,000 households identified by the social services of the communes of the department", adds- she at the microphone of Europe 1. A total of 2.9 million checks will be distributed. "They will be usable in supermarkets and will allow the purchase of basic necessities."

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For the overseas territories, 4 million euros will finance emergency aid for Mayotte, Guyana and Saint-Martin. This aid will take the form of emergency food vouchers (Mayotte) or food distribution (Guyana and Saint-Martin).