At the end of a videoconference with the leaders of the European Union, the President of the Republic gave a press conference and called for a common European response in order to overcome the coronavirus crisis.

Emmanuel Macron, calls once again for the unity of the European Union to respond to the coronavirus crisis. At a press conference following a videoconference with the other member countries of the European Union, the President of the Republic once again expressed himself in favor of a "united, organized and strong response ", on a European scale," commensurate with what we see today ".

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Thursday April 23

Still "asymmetrical" responses

"Emergency plans have been implemented from the start with the mobilization of massive sums. This is true of most European countries. However, these responses are asymmetrical. This asymmetry will continue to worsen if we do not correct it. not and could test the cohesion of the euro zone and the unity of the single market. We must therefore be very vigilant about the solidity, the unity of the EU ", explained the President of the Republic, specifying that the time for economic recovery would come next.


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