• Coronavirus, investigations and checks in the Rsa throughout Italy
  • Appeal by Minister Boccia to recruit 1,500 voluntary social and health workers for RSA and prisons
  • Coronavirus: Milan, searches of Finance at Pio Albergo Trivulzio and other RSAs
  • Como, Prosecutor opens file on patients in the RSA


April 20, 2020 "They threatened us if we used masks, we didn't have to scare the patients." These are the stories of some nurses and operators collected in the investigation by the Milan prosecutor's office on alleged irregularities in the management of the Coronavirus emergency in rest homes.

According to the workers' stories and a letter of formal notice that had been sent by the CISL-CGIL trade unions to the top of the structure, the operators would have received the masks to protect themselves and the elderly guests over a month after the outbreak in Lombardy on 23 March. And the unions themselves had spoken of "veiled threats" to operators.

Even among the same staff of the Trivulzio, however, in these days cross accusations have flown between those who defend the leaders and those who accuse them, as did many families of the elderly with their complaints.

Thus begins the collection of the testimonies of the workers of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio, operators, nurses, doctors, in the investigation by the Milan Prosecutor's Office on alleged irregularities in the management of the Coronavirus emergency in rest homes, where hundreds of elderly people died, and also on the work of the Lombardy Region and health protection agencies. 

Several employees of the Pio hotel in the past weeks in the media have reported shortcomings in the structure's internal security protocols that would have favored the contagion between guests and operators. On Friday, a nurse was heard working at the Frisia Institute of Merate
(Lecco), a structure that belongs to the Trivulzio, and who repeated what she had already denounced: there were no safety "health systems", patients and the elderly with symptoms "were not properly isolated" and relatives continued to enter even after the outbreak. The videoconference investigators of the Gdf have started to collect testimonies on alleged management errors by the managers of the Pat.