In the United States, protests are spreading against containment measures to curb the spread of new coronavirus infections (corona19).

As the scene of the medical staff wearing a mask blocking the vehicle of a demonstrator was captured, the gaze was focused.

Anthony Pouch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Epidemics, warned that early resumption could have an adverse effect.

On the 19th (local time), at the intersection of downtown Denver, Colorado, the state of the United States, a woman in a vehicle carrying a picket that read 'Freedom of Land' and a person wearing a medical staff who blocked the vehicle encountered a situation.

The video shows a woman yelling, "Here's a free country. It's a land of freedom."

The woman exclaimed, "If communism is good, go to China. Go to China." She exclaimed, "Why can't I go to work?

The nurse was standing silently in the middle of the road.

In the video, "he didn't work to save people. More than 35,000 people died," a voice countered against the woman.

The video was posted on Twitter with more than 8 million views, the Washington Post said.

Mark Jen, who posted the video on Twitter, wrote, "Two nurses who saw Corona 19 suffered peacefully protested."

It is a scene where the confrontation between the protesters demanding economic normalization and the time to focus on suppressing the spread of Corona19 is symbolic.

Two nurses appeared in the video and photo, but it was not confirmed which institution they belonged to.

In Washington, Olympia, about 2,500 protesters attended the protesting day, when Democratic Party governor Jay Insley ordered a ban on more than 50 meetings, Reuters reported.

Protest organizers advised attendees to wear face shields, including masks, according to the guidelines of the health authorities, but Reuters said that they often did not.

Tyler Miller, 39, the organizer of the protests, argued that "the distinction between mandatory and non-essential workplaces that is the basis for shutdown is against the Constitution."

These protests continue to spread to Texas, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia.

In the United States, more than 22 million people have applied for unemployment benefits.

At the White House briefing, President Trump also said, "People who protested are people who love our America."

In an interview with ABC Broadcasting on the 20th, Pouch warned about spreading protests demanding economic normalization. "It's right to do damage from an economic point of view. But if there is no virus control, there will be no real economic recovery."

He also pointed out the dangers of premature economic normalization, saying that there would be adverse effects if acted quickly.

Meanwhile, there was a big difference in opinion between President Trump and the state government regarding the ability to check Corona19.

Republican Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland and Virginia Governor Ralph Nodham of the Democratic Party refuted CNN in an interview with CNN saying, "It's completely different from the truth."

In Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC, there are still more people infected with Corona19, and in New Jersey this day, the largest increase in the past two weeks, at 3,900.

In addition, in Boston and Chicago, the number of infected and dead is increasing.

On the other hand, Ohio, Texas, and Florida are considering resuming economic activity on or before May 1st.

In addition, Michigan and Ohio authorities announced that the federal government could increase screening capacities by two to three times if they supported cotton swabs and reagents.

(yunhap news)