• Coronavirus, governor of Veneto Zaia: "Deadline from May 4th. I don't rule out reopenings before"
  • Coronavirus, Zaia: "200 thousand tampons made in Veneto". "Testing drugs works"
  • Coronavirus, Zaia: positive direction in Veneto but it must be consolidated
  • Coronavirus, Fontana: "We must prepare to start again on May 4th"


April 17, 2020 "If it were up to me I would reopen the whole of May 4 with gradualness and a sense of responsibility". The governor of Veneto Luca Zaia says it during a press conference. But "it is the government that has to do the measures, otherwise we would have done many things before" says Zaia answering a question on the plan to the study of Minister Patuanelli of business restarting on April 22 for those who work insecurity with adequate distance measures. "We need to make a dpcm - he adds, saying he doesn't want to make controversy - to get it open first". In any case, he stresses that "the idea of ​​our restart plan is very simple: it includes thermometers, gels, masks, gloves, disinfection, registers, all the things that are sustainable for a company. Entrepreneurs are exceptional because they call us continuously to make themselves available and pay for the tests themselves to secure their workers. "

Then about the closing of the schools he adds: "If it is a matter of extending the opening of the schools in September to give breath to the world of tourism I agree". The governor, during the usual press conference, however reiterated that in any case it is a matter for the government.

"I national leader? I carry on my commitment"
And on the hypothesis of his involvement in national politics he says: "Dreams are not forbidden to anyone. I am used to making a commitment and carrying it on": Zaia recalls that the commitment it concerns his being president of Veneto, moreover in this Coronavirus emergency.

Regional elections: "Vote in July or as soon as possible"
In this regard, one of the priorities for the governor is the regional vote. "I think it is responsible to hypothesize that, if in October the coronavirus seems to be back, the governors are well in charge. The autumn session scheduled for October 15 to December 15 seems very dangerous to me and it would be unjustifiable to extend the legislature by 7 or 8 months, then I think it is better to pay the salary to the elect than to the extended ones anyway. For me, therefore, July or before July, as soon as possible, go to vote ". So the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia answering journalists' questions regarding the window created specifically for the vote of the regional ones.