Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced Wednesday the next payment of bonuses ranging from 500 to 1,500 euros for carers, as well as financial aid for households at RSA.

The Prime Minister announced Wednesday the granting of bonuses to carers, on the front line against the epidemic of coronavirus, as well as to modest households. All health service personnel who manage the Covid-19 crisis in the most affected departments and services that have received Covid-19 patients in the least affected departments will receive a bonus of 1,500 euros.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Wednesday April 15

The other health personnel will receive a premium of 500 euros, added the head of government, after the Council of Ministers, specifying that these premiums will be "net of everything", that is to say free of charges and of taxes.

The government will also pay aid of 150 euros per household to RSA on May 15, plus 100 euros per child.