Statistics on the coronavirus and covid-19 disease in the county have not changed to any great extent after the Easter holidays. There are currently 111 confirmed cases in Västernorrland. Eleven people have died as a result of covid-19 and 19 people are hospitalized, four of whom are in the intensive care unit.

Helps Dalarna

Region Västernorrland has received a patient from Region Dalarna who is being cared for at IVA in Sundsvall.

- The regions will support each other as needed and to the extent possible. This is an example of that, says Hans Boman, infection control physician in Västernorrland.

No general tests

Västernorrland, just like elsewhere, has a spread of infection in the elderly housing, but despite this, general coronate tests will not be done among the elderly in the housing.

- No we do not, it is people who get sick with symptoms that you test. It is part of the sampling indication that those who visit the elderly homes will be tested, Hans Boman explains.

In the clip you hear what Hans Boman says about the fact that many people in elderly homes have become infected and about his views on the risk of the elderly being infected by home care staff who are not equipped with protective equipment.