Foreign media: Scientists have discovered that the most powerful supernova in history may be formed by the merger of two suns

Reference News Network reported on April 14th. According to the German News Agency London on April 14th, scientists from the United Kingdom and the United States said in a research report published on Monday that compared with ordinary supernovae, the largest star explosion ever observed. The energy is 10 times and the brightness is 500 times.

Astronomers at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics claim that the SN2016aps they discovered were "supernovae from giant stars with extraordinary energy."

Edo Berger, one of the authors of the research report, said that in addition to size and brightness, the other characteristics of this supernova are also "amazing".

According to reports, this supernova emits only 1% of its energy through visible light, but this percentage of SN2016aps is much higher. It is estimated that the energy contained in SN2016aps is equivalent to 2 times 10 of 35 tons of TNT explosive.

The report also stated that as the explosion cloud contained unusually large amounts of hydrogen, astronomers believed that the supernova was originally formed by the merger of two suns.

Scientists hope that the discovery of SN2016aps will bring about the detection of other supernovae and help review the early state of the universe. (Compile / Xiong Wenyuan)