• Meloni after the statement from Palazzo Chigi: institutional bullying. Salvini: Conte revochi Mes
  • Fig: "Now emergency, then health and taxes. Better Eurobond del Mes"
  • Sassoli: "Mes no longer exists and only Italian debate"
  • Conte: "I will fight for eurobonds. Mes is an inadequate tool"


April 14, 2020 In view of the summit of EU heads of state and government, scheduled for April 23, the different positions within the political sides, both majority and opposition, are accentuated. The 5 stars call into question the premier referring to what was said in the last press conference: "There is a negotiation in progress. The Mes is an old-fashioned instrument. Perhaps the time has come for a European mea culpa because the austerity has provoked cuts in public spending and this has weakened public health, "explains Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio .

Divisions and distinctions in the majority of government on the possibility of resorting to the Mes for healthcare expenses are strong and sustained. The 5-star movement remains against the use of the State Savings Fund. While Pd and Iv are in favor of using resources, without conditions, to face the health emergency following Covid-19. The Mes also divides the opposition: Lega and Fratelli d'Italia are ready for the barricades to prevent the Italian government from resorting to the Mes, while Forza Italia opens up the use of resources for healthcare expenses.

The Pd is in favor of the appeal, in light of the absence of conditions if the resources are destined for healthcare. "I have confidence in the commitment made by Conte on the European tables and I await the outcome", said the dem secretary, Nicola Zingaretti . "As regional president rather than political leader I say that if there will be the possibility, without conditionality and respecting the Italian sovereignty, to have billions in support of our health, I think we should take these resources, we need them for hospitals and for our healthcare ", concludes Zingaretti.

Even more clearly Matteo Renzi , according to which "the Mes without conditionality should be used in a rush, like or dislike the majority and opposition populists. And you will see that Italy will use everything: ECB, Mes, Sure, Recovery Fund. Everything" . For Emma Bonino "the controversies over the Mes are demagogic and idiotic".

Even in the center-right the distances are accentuated: for Silvio Berlusconi "it would be a sensational mistake to tell Europe we will do it ourselves and give up the 36-37 billion unconditionally to finance our health system, among other things at rates lower than those of the market So we absolutely must not say no to Mes ". The leader of Forza Italia would instead consider it "wrong" to say yes if the "Mes guarantees" acted as laces to "strangle the economy in a situation already" suffering "or, even more serious, if they represented" an expropriation of national sovereignty ".

Matteo Salvini has a completely different opinion, who has fought a battle against the Mes that sees the League in the front row, asking that the government and the Prime Minister present themselves in the Chamber, having "never" obtained a mandate from Parliament. For the Northern League leader, using the Mes would be "like going to the loan shark". On the same line Giorgia Meloni : "We wait for Conte to come to Parliament, as I think it is right to do on the subject of the fund save states before the next European Council, because beyond the verbal clashes the facts remain. The facts say that Minister Gualtieri has given the green light to a document in which there is the MES as a possibility to face the crisis while there are no Eurobonds. We ask the President of the Council to disavow this document to the European Council. If he does so, Conte was sincere, if not something does not come back and attention cannot be diverted by attacking the opposition ".