Farida Ahmed

Many women suffer from a lack of appreciation for the husband and children, or for what you do as an acquired right, perhaps the woman will never ask for gratitude and appreciation, but as this condition continues, you may feel sad and upset. Now is the opportunity to teach your children and husband how to appreciate you without directly requesting it.

With the spread of the Corona pandemic, and the aftermath of staying home for long periods of time, your opportunity to lay down new rules and train them will finally come to learning how to appreciate you.

1- Make thanks usually
The desire to express gratitude and the ability to do so is not part of the instinct of children, from an early age, these skills must be taught and then regularly reinforced.

Be the role model for your husband and children in that, appreciate them and use in your daily interactions with them words like "Thank you, please, please." These words carry meanings of appreciation and respect, and with repeated use of them your husband will be used to dealing with them, and your children will learn the meaning of gratitude and appreciation to you and anyone else.

Many women suffer from a lack of appreciation of the husband and children (communication sites)

2- Contributing to household chores
Domestic burdens are largely the responsibility of women, regardless of whether they are employed or full-time.

In this critical period the world is going through, the woman bears additional burdens, in addition to the duties of maternity, cleaning the house and preparing food.

You should seek help from your husband, and agree to divide the tasks between you, especially as he spends a lot of time at home because of the quarantine.

You should also ask for help from children, as two-year-olds can contribute to household chores as a kind of play, so they can put toys back in place and arrange simple things.

Ask older children to help clean their rooms, return their dishes to the kitchen and wash them.

Not only will this reduce the burden on you and teach them responsibility, it also reminds them that all of the tasks you perform for them really require work and effort, and once they do this themselves, they are more likely to appreciate what you do on their behalf.

Ask your husband to help with the chores and divide them between you (Pixels)

3- Respect your private time
It is imperative that you have your own time, practicing your hobbies whether reading, sports, drawing or even relaxing without doing anything.

It could be thirty minutes a day, and your husband and children should respect that time and not interrupt you.

Set a special time for yourself periodically, this is not a luxury, and you have to be convinced of that first. According to the site "Psychologytoday", staying alone without distracting your attention gives you the opportunity to clear your mind and focus more clearly.

It also helps you to do more work in a shorter period of time, and can enhance the quality of your relationships with others.

You have to hold onto your right to spend some time alone, then it will become a rule that everyone respects, and if you have young children ask your husband to take care of them during that.

4- Keep the values
Values ​​affect all behaviors and attitudes in our decisions and relationships, and the more aware you are of your own values, the more obvious you will be to express them and communicate them to your children.

Values ​​such as respect, participation, and freedom of expression are important and necessary in raising a child who appreciates, respects and respects others, and you must act upon them and your behavior reflects them and not just say it orally or think that you should follow them.

You must be a true model for your children, do what you say and do not launch slogans only, you can make mistakes, teach your children that error is a human quality, admit your mistakes and accept your failures and apologize for it, your children will appreciate your honesty and also appreciate you.

You have to be a true model for your kids, Pixels.

5- Take care of yourself
Most women forget to take care of themselves and make the husband and children a priority, care to prepare food for them before, and buy clothes for them instead.

It may seem instinctive, but if a woman searches for her appreciation from her partner and children, she must begin to love herself, as self-esteem is essential for developing healthy and happy relationships with others.

According to Psychology Today, many women do not do this because they believe that they are selfish or that their special needs are not important. It is not selfish to take care of yourself. Empathy with yourself means showing interest in your feelings as well as of others.

Treat yourself the way you treat your children or your husband with kindness, interest and care, and make your requirements a priority. You deserve it, which encourages those around you to treat you with appreciation and interest.