China News Service, April 10, according to Taiwan ’s “Central News Agency”, the epidemic epidemic command center in Taiwan announced on the 10th that there were two new cases of imported new pneumonia on the island, which were women in their 20s (case 381) and 60s. Male (case 382). In addition, there was one new death case on the island today. The case was a member of the Egyptian Tourism Group (Case 101). The cumulative number of deaths reached 6 people.

The agency stated that case 381 was enrolled in the United States and entered on March 30. 10 passengers on the same flight have been diagnosed. Therefore, the home quarantine object was changed to the home isolation object. The case showed runny nose, stuffy nose and smell on April 5 The abnormal symptoms were arranged for medical inspection by the health unit on the 7th, and the diagnosis was confirmed on the 10th; a total of 11 people were confirmed on the flight so far.

Case 382 went to Indonesia to visit relatives with Case 378 (wife) from February 16 to March 29. After returning to Taiwan for home quarantine, because the wife was diagnosed as a contact person at home, the case 382 returned to Taiwan asymptomatic, 4 On the 7th of March, the health unit arranged for the contact person to be examined and confirmed today.