"Vectors". Linda Simonsson was called in a grocery store for the first time in the 15 years she works in the home service. This is because she performs her job and takes care of older users.

Several employees testify to negative comments that have increased following the spread of the coronavirus, something that BLT was the first to report.

- I can't understand why. I just do my job and our users can't do without us, ”says nurse Linda Simonsson.

Shouts "corona" after the staff

In addition to people shouting words like "corona" when the staff go by, the eyes are most noticeable. The staff feel that foreign people judge them even when they wear ordinary clothes outside work.

Something described as frustrating:

"It's a small society and you can be recognized," says Ann-Katrin Åberg.

Ann-Katrin has worked in the home service for several years and has never experienced a similar situation. Photo: SVT

Feeling powerless

The unit managers at the department are aware of the situation but feel powerless. Several anonymous emails have also been sent.

- You want to inform and inform those who assume that we are failing in our routines but it is difficult, where I hope we can give a different picture, among other things, through this report.

The managers emphasize that they have routines that are applied in the least suspicion of coronary infection. But so far they have had no users with the virus.

Hear more about the home service in the clip above.