• "Positive signs but don't let your guard down." Brusaferro dell'Iss: curve showing decrease of contagions
  • Coronavirus: 1,979 recovered more than yesterday, 610 new deaths


April 10, 2020 The government intends to confirm the current restrictions on the containment of Coronavirus until May 4. This was assured by the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, speaking of the summit held today in videoconference with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the other governors.

"The Prime Minister has not yet given the guidelines but I confirm that the next Dpcm will be valid until May 4 and that the contents will be in line with those of the last Dpcm, except for a few small concessions," said the Lombard governor, speaking in Telelombardia.

The latest medical bulletins
Meanwhile, the picture of the situation on April 10: "The inversion of the Covid-19 positive / discharged patients ratio is stabilizing", in the sense that the discharged patients are even more numerous today than those hospitalized. This is what Spallanzani of Rome points out in the medical bulletin issued today. The Roman hospital also highlights that today the discharges are more numerous than yesterday.

The number of coronvirus infections in Veneto rises to 13,421. The Region reports through the bulletin updated at 8. Compared to yesterday afternoon there are 335 more infections and 9 deaths (793 in total since the beginning of the emergency).

Gallera: commission on Rsa appointed
"Today the president signed the decree appointing the RSA commission." The Lombard Welfare Councilor Giulio Gallera said this during a press conference. At the presidency there will be "Mauro Agnello, former director of the Agency for checks on the Lombard social and health system". The commission will be responsible for assessing the causes of deaths, added Gallera

Sala: we do not know how many immune systems there are
"We don't know how many immune systems there are. Those who have antibodies and have an immunity because they made coronavirus. We don't know why these tests have not yet been officially authorized. Some regions like Emilia Romagna and Veneto are already leave, not Lombardy. Here I turn to science and the government: you have to authorize them. Even if they are not 100% certain, authorize them. Because it is worse to have no information. " This was said by the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, during the usual video message published on his social pages.

Controversy over the Lombard healed fakes
"The Lombardy Region does not transmit the number of healed subjects, but only of those discharged. These cases in the Civil Protection report are counted among the healed, with a consequent distortion of public communication on the progress of the coronavirus epidemic". The Gimbe Foundation said so, underlining that yesterday the Lombardy Region route led to the green area 15,706 cases with "with at least one passage to the hospital (even only in the emergency room) declared discharged / not hospitalized by the Lombard hospitals. These patients are in home isolation until to which they will not be declared cured. "In other words, Lombardy explicitly declares that these are cases that cannot be considered cured".

Phase 2
The four main northern regions represent 45% of the Italian GDP; the first to get back in motion could be the Veneto. Over 10,000 companies in the region have requested to reopen through the derogation. The Venetian governor Zaia, in addition to attention to data
Healthcare, has repeatedly declared the need for a rapid reopening of Veneto companies for the serious damage that the local economy is suffering. Veneto could therefore be in the front line already after Easter, but above all it could be among the regions with the highest number of reopenings starting from 4 May, the date hypothesized for the start of Phase 2.

The path of Lombardy, the region most affected by the Coronavirus emergency, Emilia Romagna and Piedmont, is more complicated, while in May regions could see more activities open where the impact of the health emergency was less strong, such as Umbria and Basilicata.

Conte's video conference
The premier met by videoconference with Regions, Municipalities and Provinces. Present at the summit were the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, the governors of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, Emilia-Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, and Sicily, Nello Musumeci. For Anci there is the president and mayor of Bari, Antonio De Caro, the first citizen of Rome, Virginia Raggi, and the deputy vice president of the National Association of Italian Municipalities, Roberto Pella. Present for the Union of the Italian provinces are the president Michele de Pascale, the president of Upi Veneto, Stefano Marcon, and Michele Strianese of the national steering committee.

Civil Protection data of 9 April
Yesterday's Civil Protection note specifies the detail region by region: there are currently 29,074 positive cases in Lombardy, 13,258 in Emilia-Romagna, 11,336 in Piedmont, 10,449 in Veneto, 5,703 in Tuscany, 3,253 in Liguria, 3,401 in the Marche, 3,532 in Lazio, 2,873 in Campania, 1,978 in the Autonomous Province of Trento, 2,301 in Puglia, 1,390 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 1,942 in Sicily, 1,566 in Abruzzo, 1,315 in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, 792 in Umbria, 876 in Sardinia, 765 in Calabria , 609 in Valle d'Aosta, 275 in Basilicata and 189 in Molise. 28,470 people were healed. 18,279 have died, but this number can be confirmed only after the Istituto Superiore di Sanità has established the actual cause of the death.