While more than half of humanity is now confined to trying to fight the spread of the coronavirus, 80% of workers are affected by the partial or total closure of their workplaces, also announces the World Labor Organization ( ILO). First economy affected, because first power in the world, the United States threatens to vacillate and take with them the entire global financial system ...

What if this is the "great collapse" that some have predicted for several years already? How to remedy it and what "new world" to imagine tomorrow? Debate between our guests, around Raphaël Kahane.

Our guests :

- Laurence Haïm, journalist, specialist from the United States

- Maxime Sbaihi , Economist, Managing Director of the GenerationLibre think tank

- Yves Cochet , President of the Momentum Institute, former Minister of the Environment

- Zyad Limam , director of Afrique Magazine.

>> To see, Info eco: "The job market faces its most serious crisis since the Second World War"

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