Parliament resumes plenary sessions from taking precautionary measures, April 10 5:32

Based on the "Emergency Declaration" based on the Special Measures Law against New Coronavirus Measures, the Diet, which had postponed deliberations, will take measures to prevent infection and resume plenary sessions and other measures.

The Diet suspended the deliberations on the 8th and 9th in light of the "Emergency Declaration" issued, but will resume the deliberations from 10th by holding a plenary session and a committee in the House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives allows members to temporarily leave their seats during a question and answer session to avoid congestion and prevent infection, while the House of Councilors allows members of the House of Representatives to sit at intervals in the main assembly hall.

The ruling party wants to enact a supplementary budget for the current fiscal year that includes emergency economic measures on this month, while the opposition parties have sought to address the problem and sought further measures. Policy.

On the other hand, in response to the `` Declaration of Emergency, '' the Komeito Party said that it would be necessary to postpone the local election scheduled in the target area and would like to submit the necessary bill to the Diet. Elections are the basis of democracy. "