Finally, the American security forces found Mayev Kennedy, the granddaughter of the old American political family, dead in "Maryland", and continues to search for her son Gideon, who is still missing despite the dwindling hope of his survival, after the mystery of the disappearance of the mother and son remained confusing to the authorities, and after he renewed The puzzle is the tragedy of the Kennedy family, known for the painful ends of its children, in a phenomenon that the American media called "the Kennedy curse." The Maryland Police announced on April 6 that they had found the body of Mayf Kennedy Townsend McCain, who had disappeared with her son days ago in the waters of Lake Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, after intensive research that lasted for four days, in which he used surveillance, flight photography and underwater photography. Divers dispersed with their various techniques, and they found the body at a depth of 25 feet under the water, 25 miles from the beach.

Lift a ball

And the security authorities believe, according to media statements, that "Mayev set out with her son on a water boat to retrieve a ball that went away in the water, but strong winds and water currents prevented the mother and son from returning safely to the beach."

The mayor of Maryland, and the daughter of former US President Robert Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy, had issued a statement earlier saying that “her heart is being broken as she announces to American public opinion. She lost her daughter Mayev and her grandson Gideon, who are on a water trip in (Chesapeake), according to eyewitnesses, They saw them before their news was cut off on April 2, "and that" their chances of survival are small enough that it is impossible. "

In her statement, Kathleen added, "I inform you with great sorrow that the efforts to search for my beloved daughter and my dear grandson have moved from the rescue box to the square of discovery and recovery."

Defending the weak

"My daughter Mayev lived her life as a defender of the most vulnerable groups in society, using all her legal knowledge to become the voice of the voiceless," she added.

It is noteworthy that Mayev Kennedy was a human rights activist and coordinator for the Global Health Initiative at Georgetown University, and she also joined as a former volunteer in the World Peace Forces.

Following the spread of the news, the Kennedy family established a "remote prayer" on the soul of Mayev on the World Wide Web, given the circumstances that America and the world are now going through regarding the Corona virus. 120 people from the Kennedy family participated in the prayer, and the family published a group photo of the participants in the prayer.

Death drama

The Kennedy family witnessed a series of dramatic deaths of its members, among them the assassination of the 35th President of the United States of America John. F. Kennedy on November 23, 1963, he was not yet forty-six years old, the assassination of his brother Senator Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968, at the age of 42, before her brother Joseph Kennedy was killed in a plane crash in 1944, and the death of David Kennedy after a dose Excessive drugs in 1997, the death of Michelle Kennedy on New Year's Eve in 1999 at the age of 39, the death of Kara Kennedy during her exercise in a health club, the Richardson Kennedy suicide on April 6, 2010, and the death of Senator Edward Kennedy after a struggle with cancer.

The security authorities believe, according to media statements, that "Mayev set out with her son on a water boat to retrieve a ball that went away in the water, but strong winds and water currents prevented the mother and son from returning safely to the beach.